God Doesn't Care...This is a harsh statement and yet, sadly, for many this is

their "reality".  They believe this to be true. That May Even Be What You

Think Now...Millions of people around the world have never heard of nor

experienced the Power of God in their life. 

 When the doctors say, "Nothing else can be done..."

Starting during the Renaissance and continuing right on through until today,

medicine has gained importance to the point where Christians started viewing

it as a replacement for (rather than a complement to) prayer. So when the

doctors say, "Nothing else can be done..." those without a personal

relationship with Jesus feel they have no other choices, no where else to turn

and they just simply give up.


That's not the way it was supposed to be! It is not God's intention that any

should perish. His healing touch was not just for 2000 years ago. Jesus fulfilled

all on the cross, and during His life He healed every person that came to Him

for healing. The cross not only brought salvation to all, but it also provided for

all to be healed and delivered.


 We Want To Change The Way You Think About Healing Forever

We are called to serve as conduits of God's grace. In prayer, we ask God to

open our spirits, minds, bodies, and relationships so that God's healing power

may flow into us and through us to others.


Jesus taught and commissioned His disciples, the seventy and ultimately all

believers to "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out

demons. Freely you have received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8) This

compassion and willing healing touch of the Lord is still available today.


Encounter Healing seminars are a training ground where we teach God's

people how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit and let Him guide their path.

Encounter is a word that implies a face to face meeting; a time when we come

close to our heavenly father. The main goal of this seminar is to help facilitate

opportunities for God's people to meet Him, maybe for the first time, as

"Jehovah Rapha" (The Lord Who Heals You).


In these uncertain days, people are yearning to encounter something bigger

than themselves and their everyday lives. Our responsibility is to show them

our God.

Why More Aren't Healed and What We Can Do About It

 Are We Missing The Point?

Many Christian churches focus on Jesus' teaching and preaching ministries,

as well as his crucifixion and resurrection, while giving less attention to Jesus'

healing ministry. This is unfortunate because 40 percent of the Gospels of

Matthew and Mark, and more than a third of Luke and John, focus on healing.


Just as some have viewed medicine as a replacement for (rather than a

complement to) prayer, others have gone to the opposite extreme,

endangering themselves or others by refusing medical intervention.

In Mark 2:17 Jesus says, "It is not those who are healthy who need a physician,

but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

Here Jesus compares himself to a doctor sent to heal the sick. He makes the

point that it would make no sense if the doctor spent all of his time tending to

people who were already healthy. That is why Jesus makes frequent visits

with the "spiritually unclean" of society.


Jesus did not say, "Never use a doctor, rely only on faith for healing."

He indicated that doctors were used to help sick people.  Just as He

(The Great Physician) came to call "sinners" not the righteous.


In Col. 4:14 Paul refers to Luke as "... the beloved physician..."

It does not appear that doctors were or should be despised as some would

have you believe. I believe that God can heal in any manner He chooses,

whether it is supernaturally or through avenues that are already in place.

We should not exclude either. It does not have to be Either Doctors OR Faith;

the two can coexist quite happily and compliment each other quite well.


God works not only through prayer, but also through all practices that honor

the body.


About Encounter Healing

Get Ready To Open Your Mind and Heart...Healing ministry is experiencing a

renewal as Christians discover that Christ's commission was meant for them

and for the lost and hurting of this world.With Pastor Tim & Laurie's unique

presentation style, Biblical truths and "hands on" workshops, "Encounter

Healing" helps prepare your church to "equip the saints" for ministry in the

supernatural of God. We desire to see an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on each

person; to see them become wholeheartedly devoted to God.


Session topics include such vital subjects as:

* What the Bible Says Concerning God's Will In Healing the Sick

* Just What Is Healing & Is It For Everyone? The answer may surprise you

*The Concept of Healing For Evangelism

* The Healing Ministry of Jesus and Why He Healed All That Came to Him

* Who Or What Is The Holy Spirit & Why Do We (The Church) Ignore Him?

* Why do many practice Laying On Of Hands & Anointing With Oil?

* Should God's people pursue healing through doctors, medicines or other

established treatments?


"Encounter Healing" is designed to be presented in a one day seminar and

followed up with an Encounter Healing Service following the seminar later that

same evening. This puts to immediate use the relevant and practical

techniques taught in the seminar. It can also be used as a multiple meeting

study course for instances when your church feels this is a better option.


The program is also designed so that your "Encounter Healing" prayer team

can share the information with other churches in your area and continue to

facilitate ever growing opportunities for people to "Encounter" Christ in a

whole new way.

God has given this couple compassion for the lost and hurting of this world

and has used healing as a powerful evangelistic tool. The old saying, "They

don't care how much you know until they know how much you care" holds

especially true in the arena of Healing Evangelism.


Pastor Tim & Laurie see themselves as a catalyst, presenting the first seminar

or two in each area and then releasing the Holy Spirit to cooperate with your

prayer team and take it from there.


To schedule the Encounter Healing seminar at your church or meeting place:

Encounter Healing Ministries
1817 Place Liberte Dr.
Liberty, MO 64068-9768
or Email:
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Please include a name, email address and phone number for your contact
