How Can I Pray For Others? Things to Ponder and Pray About


How not to pray for others: We must not use prayer to force our will upon others. We should not pray for the needs of others if we are not willing to help them in whatever way we are able. Our prayer also should not be of such a general nature that it has no particular focus.


Remember, Jesus himself urges us to pray for others.

· Praying for others means that we identify ourselves with their needs.

· If we are to pray for them with power, we need to place ourselves in their situation, feel as they feel, and experience a soul-oneness with them.

· Intercessory prayer stands or falls only with the character and power of God.

· We must be willing to be used to answer our prayer.

· In winning others to Christ, prayer is a tremendous force.

· Our motives must be unselfish.

· We must be moved by love for others and a compassionate caring that makes us willing to accept their standing before God as our concern.

· One Very Important thing to remember is to ask the person coming for prayer if they would like to be healed. You do not force Divine healing on people. Also be sure to get their permission before you touch them in any way. Some people do not like to be touched by anybody for any reason.


One condition of successful prayer must never be forgotten.


We must believe that God is, and that He is the rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.


The people who ask you to pray are coming and diligently seeking Him. They are looking for God to encounter them as Jehovah Rapha, "The Lord Who Heals You". In order for that to happen we cannot just "hope", WE MUST BELIEVE that He is here and that He will be present to heal them. Our attitudes are every bit as important as the attitudes of those who are coming to petition God for His healing touch.


God cares for us as whole people, not just certain parts. Healing comes in many forms, so people may come for prayer concerning any area of their life. Although prayers for physical hurts and diseases are common, so also are prayers for emotional pains of the present and the past, as well as requests for spiritual needs. Be sensitive to what they may need at the time.


We all need to pray that God will help us be in tune with His Spirit and that He would help the people receive what they need from Him when we pray.