The Healing Ministry of Jesus


"Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know."

Acts 2:22 (NIV)


God proved that He sent Jesus by having him openly work miracles, wonders, and signs among the people.


His ministry was not underground, it was not hidden.

Jesus not only came to bring us salvation, He also came to heal us. No one was ever turned away from Jesus. Any sick person who came in contact with Jesus was healed. Depressions were lifted; fevers disappeared, demons thrown out. Jesus cared. He healed anyone who came to Him.


When Jesus was physically present on this Earth He viewed sickness, illness, disease and infirmity as the works of Satan. That was one of the main reasons He came to Earth. 1 John 3:8 (NASB) makes that extremely clear. "...The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil." That is why He healed all that came to Him.


According to the Gospels, during Jesus' earthly ministry; there were numerous occasions that persons approached Jesus for healing. More than likely there were hundreds more as the Bible also speaks of miracles too numerous to count, so many that it would fill volumes. (John 21:25)


In these recorded instances not once did Jesus turn anyone away or state that it was not His will. This is significant since the Bible is intended to show God's will for man. In one instance, a leper came to Jesus inquiring whether it was His will to heal him.


He said, "Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean." Jesus stretched out His hand and touched him, saying, "I am willing; be cleansed." (Matthew 8:2-3 NASB) After Jesus said that the man's leprosy vanished.


It didn't take all day, a week or eventually. It didn't take any time at all, it says it was immediate, in the twinkling of an eye, "...the man's leprosy vanished." Leprosy was the worst disease you could have. Jesus made it abundantly clear, "If you can have it, God can heal it!"


The scriptures confirm repeatedly that Jesus went about "...healing all who were oppressed by the devil..." (Acts 10:38 NASB)


It also says, He went to the villages and towns..."healing every sickness and every disease among the people." (Matthew 9:35 KJV)


The Bible DOES NOT tell us that every disease and illness is caused by demon posession. Nor does it say that satan directly causes all illness. But God DID NOT create a world with sickness, illness and disease in it. Those things entered the world as a result of the sins of our first earthly mother (EVE) and father (ADAM).  Because satan deceived these two; sin, illness, disease, etc. entered into the world and therefore are some of the "works of satan" that Jesus was sent to destroy.


The Bible tells us that Jesus reveals the Father's heart through word and deed (John 5:17-19; 14:9-11). Therefore, we must conclude that it is the Father's heart to heal us just as Jesus showed us by His words and deeds. Sickness was never in God's original design for man.


Jesus used His healing ministry not only to make people feel good and to bless them, but also to drive home theological points He was trying to teach or at times to even create controversy over points He needed to make to the religious community.


There are examples of this throughout the New Testament. There are a few that appear in John that I would like to highlight.


To support Jesus' claim "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12 NASB), John tells how Jesus heals a blind man (John 9).


In John 11, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead after claiming "I am the resurrection and the life" (John 11:25 NASB)


and in John 5 he shows us that Jesus healed a paralytic and reveals that He is Life-Giver and Judge, thus equal with God (John 5:21-23).


Jesus was among men showing himself to everyone who had eyes to see. The Jews had everything all figured out, so they thought. However, through Jesus, God had become less predictable about whom He would associate with and whom He might heal. With the coming of Jesus, grace is now impossible to calculate or anticipate.


Today, we may try to limit God so that He can only work within certain religious affiliations. We need to be careful that we don't find ourselves working against God. Arrogance about one's perceived relationship with God is not just a first-century problem; it is alive and well in the Church even today.


Now I want to share something that may mess with your theology. It is a profound truth that has major implications for you and me. It changes everything. Jesus, although He was 100% God, could NOT heal the sick, raise the dead or deliver people tormented by demons.


Before you string me up for heresy, let that sink in for a moment. Jesus did all of His earthly miracles as a flesh and blood man. There is a reason which we will get to in a little while.


Right now I want to let Jesus prove it to you.


"I tell you the truth; the Son can do nothing by himself; He can do only what he

sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does."

John 5:19 (NIV)


In the Greek language the word for 'nothing' is ‘oudeis'; pronounced (ü-da's). It has a very specific and unique meaning -- it means ‘NOTHING'. Just like it does in English! This means that Jesus, while He was on the earth, without the help of the Holy Spirit had NO supernatural abilities!


While He is 100% God, He chose to live within the exact same limitations that man would have once He was released from Satan's grip. He said this over and over again. By doing this Jesus became the model for all who follow Him and would embrace the invitation to invade the ‘impossible' in His name. He performed miracles, wonders, and signs, only as a man who had a right relationship with God. He did not do these things as God.


To believe anything else is to ignore what Jesus said about Himself. Even more importantly it is to entirely miss the purpose of His self-imposed restriction to live fully as a human being.


If He could only perform miracles because He was God, then we would be unable to attain them. But if He did them as a man, you and I become responsible to pursue the way He lived and the things He did.


In recapturing this simple truth, everything we ever thought about miracles makes possible a full restoration of the ministry of Jesus in His Church TODAY!