Where Do We Go From Here?


"I myself am convinced, my brothers,

that you yourselves are full of goodness,

complete in knowledge and

competent to instruct one another."

Romans 15:14 (NIV)


Were you aware that the Roman believers who received Paul's letter didn't have Bibles? The population of Rome was estimated to be two-thirds slaves, most of them illiterate. Yet if you read our opening verse Paul strongly tells them that they are "competent to instruct one another."


This means that the ordinary congregants, not just the "gifted ones" or the "authorized ones", are qualified to instruct, admonish, teach and counsel each other. God has made us all "a chosen people, a royal priesthood..." (1 Peter 2:9 NIV) The basic reason to be a "priest" is to represent Him to others by talking about how great He is and what He's done.


It is important that after we have learned and done that we pass it on to others so they can learn and do also.  So after your group has had an Encounter Healing Seminar and held your first (hopefully of many) Healing Service...Go out and tell others of what you've seen. Three times 1 Chr 16:8 / Ps 105:1 / Isa 12:4 God tells us to "Make known His deeds among the peoples". As you pray for people and you see them get well, rejoice and do as the Holy Spirit does and "Testify" of Christ.


Testify. It's a scary word. Right?


Testifying to the work of God in our lives and the lives of others as we have witnessed it isn't hard. Most of us like to talk about ourselves, our jobs, our successes, the good things that are going on in our life.


It's easy to just relate the stories. Remember: Do Not Name Names or Give Specifics That Will Reveal Who It Is - Keep It General. (Only the person who was healed should reveal their name.) Tell others how God has worked through your group to bring healing to others.


Always remember to be grateful to God for what He is doing through you. Remain humble, do not become exalted. Just like Jesus, "by yourself you can do NOTHING."


After each session, meet as a group; share what you felt, what you saw, what worked, what didn't. Learn to cooperate with the Holy Spirit and let Him guide your paths. Build your group into a true "Team", a "Family." Let the Holy Spirit empower you to do things you've never done before.


DO NOT become "elitists". This not only turns people off, but it goes directly against what Paul told the early church.


"Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought," ... Romans 12:3 (NIV)


Welcome anyone who expresses the interest in letting God work through them to bring health and well being to those in need. God is in charge and He will lead those whom He choses to become part of this ministry and help it to grow as He sees fit.  Like Jesus, we have been called to destroy the works of the devil.  We are a small army and we should welcome, with open arms, all the people who are called to the same.


We feel very strongly that your local church should serve the people in your area. We also feel very strongly that what you have received you should share with other churches in your area and allow them to serve the people that come to their church or are in their neighborhoods as God intended.


The ‘CHURCH" should work together in peace and harmony and that is why we have chosen to follow God's leading and present this seminar in the way He has directed us to and release the Holy Spirit and your group to carry it to others. God wants this work to grow, but only as He leads.


Take this information to other Churches. Train them to do the same. Freely share the literature we provide during the seminar with the only stipulation that you do not alter it in any way without first sending us a copy and getting our written permission. Let the Holy Spirit cooperate with you and with them. Encourage them to do the same. Maybe meet with the other groups monthly and share with each other what's been working in your groups.


God has told us that this will be a great ministry, but that we would not be very well known. We're OK with that! All we want is for the Holy Spirit to bring healing (spiritual, physical, emotional, psychological, financial, etc., etc., etc.) to those who need it.


Always, always, always before you start anything PRAY and invite the strong presence of God. Ask the Holy Spirit to manifest Himself. The focal point of every "Encounter Healing" service is to help facilitate opportunities for God's people to meet Him, maybe for the first time, as "Jehovah Rapha" (The Lord Who Heals You).


In these uncertain days, people are yearning to encounter something bigger than themselves and their everyday lives.


"Our responsibility is to show them our God."