Recommended Reading List

(Note: Some of these books may be out of print.  The information in them is very good so I would check with used book stores, librairies, on-line, etc. until you find the book you are looking for.)


Be Healed In Jesus' Name

Joyce Meyer

ISBN: 0-446-69211-5

Faith Words - Hachette Book Group USA / 237 Park Avenue / New York, NY 10017


The Believer's Authority

Kenneth E. Hagin

ISBN-13: 978-0-89276-406-8

Kenneth Hagin Ministries / PO Box 50126 / Tulsa, OK 74150-0126


Christ the Healer

F.F. Bosworth

ISBN: 0-88368-591-4

Whitaker House / 30 Hunt Valley Circle / New Kensington, PA 15068


Greater Works: Experiencing God's Power

Smith Wigglesworth

ISBN: 0-88368-584-1

Whitaker House / 30 Hunt Valley Circle / New Kensington, PA 15068



Francis MacNutt

ISBN: 0-553-10401-2

Ave Maria Press / Notre Dame, IN 46556


How to Heal the Sick

Charles & Francis Hunter

ISBN: 0-88368-600-7

Whitaker House / 30 Hunt Valley Circle / New Kensington, PA 15068


100 Divine Healing Facts

T.L. Osborn

ISBN: 0-89274-299-2

Harrison House, Inc. / PO Box 35035 / Tulsa, OK 74153


Power Healing

John Wimber and Kevin Springer

ISBN: 0-06-069541-2

Harper Collins Publishers / 10 East 53rd Street / New York, NY 10022


The Power to Heal

Francis MacNutt

ISBN: 0-87793-133-X

Ave Maria Press / Notre Dame, IN 46556


When Heaven Invades Earth / A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles

Bill Johnson

ISBN: 0-7684-2952-8

Treasure House / Destiny Image Publishers, Inc / PO Box 310 / Shippensburg, PA 17257-0310