An Issue of Blood (A Hopeless Case Healed)


"In the crowd was a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years. She had gone to many doctors, and they had not done anything except cause her a lot of pain. She had paid them all the money she had. But instead of getting better, she only got worse. The woman had heard about Jesus, so she came up behind him in the crowd and barely touched his clothes. She had said to herself, "If I can just touch his clothes, I will get well." As soon as she touched them, her bleeding stopped, and she knew she was well."

Mark 5:25-29 (CEV)



The following has been adapted from a presentation given at Harmony Vineyard Church in Kansas City, MO on December 2, 2007 by Hans Koornstra. Based in the Netherlands, he is one of the world's well known traveling evangelists, conducting worldwide crusades with great signs and wonders confirming the Word.


"There are always people who disqualify themselves to receive blessing from God. They say, "Well, God doesn't bother about me", "I'm too insignificant", "I'm too sinful", or "I'm too..." this that or the other and they disqualify themselves. Some think they are so great sinners that God will not forgive them. Others say, "Well I've done all my life without God, I'm sure He doesn't want me to come to Him today." There are people who say, and I'm talking about Christians now, "I believe that God wants to heal, but I'm beyond it", "My case is not hard enough" or "My case is too hard." You can find both extremes, "It's too insignificant that God doesn't bother about that" or "I'm too sick and I'm beyond repair." Do you know what happens when we do or say that? We build obstacles for God to touch us. That is what is called UNbelief.


Now, Jesus says, "All things", Did you hear the ALL? "All things are possible to those that believe." You say, "But what about my case?" The same thing applies to your case as well. ALL things are possible to those that believe.


Talking about hopeless cases is quite a subject, but if there was ever a "hopeless case" this woman qualifies. The woman we read about in the opening verse. I'll give you four reasons the Bible gives us, why she was a hopeless case.


1. The Bible says she suffered for twelve years.


Now most, if not all of us, know, by experience, what it is like to be sick. It may last a short time. It's usually a day or so. But most of the things come and go. They may last a few days and your body recuperates and you're over it. You've been sick all right, but it's for a short time. Now, if you're sick for a month that's really long. You may miss a day or two at work, but if you're gone for a month, that's a long time. If you're sick for six months, people start to wonder. They won't tell you, but they do. Now if your disease lasts for a year, they are sure about you. They don't tell you, but that's what they think. If you're disease hangs on for two years they wonder why you're still around. But they know one thing; you're not going to get better, ever! This woman was not diseased for a week, a year, two years, five years or even ten years, but for twelve years. She was what we call a "hopeless case."


2. When you can't get better, you're body can't recuperate you may visit a doctor.


A doctor is a specially trained man. What he's done is he's been to university and studied. He has studied the human body with all of its functions, all kinds of diseases and all kinds of medications and how they affect the body. He knows a lot. If you go to a doctor, doctors are very wonderful, interesting, strange people. When you go to a doctor he will, you see he's a clever man, so he will ask you this question. "Have you had this before?" If you dare to say yes he says, "Well how did you get rid of it the first time?" Clever, you know, clever people.


We'll just imagine you say, "I've never had this before." "Well," he says, "Alright, undress." So you undress half way or totally whatever his mood is. So you stand there feeling lost. You never intended that this is going to happen, but it happens. You're not in charge anymore now. And then he puts in his ears a kind of a hearing aid with a long tube and a very cold thing at the end. And he puts it on your skin and says, "Breathe." You've been doing that all your life. So you start breathing and he says, "Breathe!" You don't know what it's for, but he seems to like it.


So he goes all around and pushes this thing all over your body. I don't know what he hears. It must be very interesting. Then he goes into the next procedure and puts his hand on your body and starts to knock. And if you ever lost faith, that's where you lost it. You never knew you were as hollow as that. They do this knocking all over the world. They never get inside, but they keep knocking. They've done so much knocking, and that is clever, by the sound they can tell if certain organs are OK or not. Clever! Now, then he may say, "Uh-huh." That's an expensive doctor, because the others don't say anything.


So then he goes into the next phase, he starts to write. Don't turn pale, it's not the bill yet, that's later. So he writes; and it's called a prescription. You can't read it, but you have to take it to the pharmacist. The pharmacist is a miracle man. He can read it!! You hope so because your life is at stake you know. So he prepares something, mixes something and shakes something, puts something in a box and writes on it 3X a day, just to keep you happy or something like that. And when you come home the pills are snow white and you swallow the snow white 3X a day.


And when the box gets empty you go back to the doctor. The doctor says, "And?" You say, "Just the same." "Ummm." He starts writing again. Now you go to the pharmacist, the pills are not white, they're Blue. So you swallow blue for about two weeks. Now you go back to the doctor and he writes again. Now the pills are RED! You know as a Dutchman, Dutch people are very special. As a Dutchman we would start thinking, "I believe the doctor has some shares with the pharmacist."


What happens is now you decide, you go to another doctor. You get a "Second Opinion." It costs money, just the same. Now he writes, you swallow and after three days you think, "Oh, wow I feel fine." It's not like the first doctor is a hopeless case and the second is a genius. It's just means that the second doctor hit the nail on the head and gave the right diagnosis and gave you the right pills, not to cure you, but to help your body to recuperate. But if you go from doctor to doctor to doctor to doctor you become a hopeless case. That's what the Bible says. She visited many doctors.


3. The Bible says now she's not only very sick, but the Bible says she is broke. "She spent all she had." ALL that she had.


I tell you, my friends, some people still think, also in your country, that money is it. Money can do anything and when you got the money, you've got it all. My friend it would mean that all rich people are extremely happy and all the poor are extremely miserable. It's not true! It's not true. I've met a lot of rich people who are very miserable. I've met rich people who are not alive today because they took their own life. And I know some very poor people in parts of the world that are extremely happy. Not because they are poor, but poor or rich doesn't make any difference as far as that's concerned, my friend. It's nice to have some money around, don't misunderstand me, but remember that rich and poor don't make the difference about happiness.


Now, whatever she had, she spent all. You know rich people will spend all they have to be healthy again. If you are healthy this morning do you know you are a rich person? You may never think of it because your body just functions. Everything's fine, so what! What's the big thing? You are a rich person! And you better thank God for it. Now twelve years, many doctors and broke. The end, the fourth reason is:


4. The Bible says that in the end she was worse than where she had started from.


I couldn't find any greater, clearer definition of or about complete hopelessness. This lady is losing blood the Bible says, and she was losing more blood every day; more life every day. She was going down the drain and it would happen that one day she would have been too weak to get out of bed and then another day would have arrived later when someone would find her in bed in a pool of blood. Over and Out!


But something happened. She met somebody, somebody talked to her. And you may think I mean Jesus, no, no, not yet, not yet. Somebody, I don't know who it was, I think it was a lady. Somebody somewhere talked to this lady. The Bible simply states that "When she had heard of Jesus." Thank God for people who are talking to hopeless cases about Jesus! My friend we need this city filled with people who talk to hopeless cases about Jesus! They may mock you! But there may be someone whose life is going to be turned around because you talked to them about Jesus.


"When she had heard about Jesus." In what way did she hear about Jesus? I don't know, but I can tell you something about it. The conversation wasn't like, "Well, I think you should try Jesus." I can assure you that was not the case. Then her reply would have been, "Well I've tried everything, I might as well try Jesus." But you know she said something quite different so I believe the woman who talked to this hopeless case beamed out some assurance about Jesus Christ who's different. The woman who had no more possibilities and could have said, "I'm a hopeless case, I'm out of it" said instead, "WOW! If I could only touch His clothes..." She didn't say, "I might be" she said "I SHALL BE WHOLE!" That's faith, my friend. Where did the miracle happen? That's where it happened.


That's where the change came on the inside. When she suddenly KNEW, "If I can touch His clothes, I'll be healed." WOW! That's a miracle friend, I like that. God likes it! Faith rising in the midst of hopelessness. And you could see her faith. Her faith was not just a statement of faith. It was an act. She went to Jesus. So she came and knew Jesus was there, but there were a few obstacles. I'll get through them very quickly.


The first obstacle was THE PEOPLE. I'll mention three. I've been in large crusades where I've spoken to fifteen or twenty thousand people and led hundreds of people to Christ. Wonderful to see, mighty miracles, wonderful to see. But every night, I know, there are people who heard the message and did not respond. And they did not come, that's a very sobering thought. And why not? Because, "What will my father say?", "What will my mother say?", "What will my wife say?", "What will my husband say?", "What will my auntie say?", "What will my brother, my sister say?" I tell you my friend, if you want to come to Christ, overcome that obstacle. THE PEOPLE. Forget the people right now if you want to do business with God. Forget them right now! Whatever their opinion, FORGET IT! Go to Christ. Whatever they think, whatever their opinion, you go and reach out to Him.


Another obstacle there was, the second one was THE LAW. Because according to the Levitical Law, you can read that in the Old Testament, because she was losing blood she was considered "unclean." That meant she was restricted in her movement. She couldn't touch people. She surely couldn't go through a crowd. So the Law forbade her to do that. So if she was going to meet Jesus, face to face, in the midst of that crowd she had to realize that if she would ever make it she would stand before Him as a transgressor of the Law. Completely depending on His grace.


My friend I hope that's the way you want to come. Don't come to Christ and say, "I'm sure you've noticed me because I notice myself a lot." "I've done a lot of good in my days." "You know if anyone ever earned heaven..." I overdo it, but that is an attitude that many people have. If you think you can twist the arm of God by doing so good works that it stinks, forget it friend, you won't get anywhere. Come to Him with faith depending on Him and on His grace. And His grace is sufficient for you.


There is another obstacle, the third one. When she had to move through a crowd, what do you think HER BODY would tell her? I don't know if you've ever went through a crowd, you know, I don't know. Let me tell you, going through a crowd is extremely tiring. Now look at this woman, frail as anything. Her body would say, "You cannot, you cannot make it."


So those were the obstacles. The obstacle of what would THE PEOPLE say, the obstacle of what THE LAW said and the obstacle of what HER BODY said. It was three times NO! But faith says, "Where there is no way, there I can make a way!" And she did it. She started to move. I'm sure there was a lot of opinion and a lot of protest, but she moved and moved and came close. And I have to figure this out. She came close, I don't know how close, but it had to very close and then she must have been at the end of everything. And she was on her knees and she was at the end of everything.


And then, where there is no way, faith finds a way. She saw Jesus pass by and between two or three legs she reached out and touched His clothes! Now she didn't say, "I don't feel anything." It wasn't 2007. She didn't say, "If I touch His clothes and feel electrified, then..." No, she said, "If I may just touch His clothes I shall be..." and she reached out and got hold of His clothes. Just for a moment and let go. And she got up. She didn't feel anything yet, no, no, the Bible is explicit about that. She didn't. But there was a smile on her face. She said to herself, "I got it!" And she got up and moved away and then the Bible says, "And then she felt in her body...", that's after twelve years going down the drain, she suddenly was healed!


My goodness and some people say, "Why do you get so excited?" Well I tell you there is a reason to be excited when you get healed. "If you have such great a faith, why get so excited?" It's because your body registers that it happened. And you suddenly move and jump. Oh, she could have jumped a hole in the sky. But she didn't because of the nature of her complaint. And so she was just inwardly barely able to contain herself.


Then something happened that was not on her program. Jesus stopped and the crowd stopped. And Jesus said, "Who touched me?" One of the disciples answered, "Guess who." It must have been Peter. He was always number one. Right or wrong, but one. So he says, "What a stupid remark! The whole crowd is pushing you from one side to the other and you say, "Who touched me?"" There is a shorter version of it in the King James, but that's compressed to "Who touched me?" He said, "The crowd is pushing you." But Jesus said, "No, no, no, no somebody touched me in a different way. Somebody touched me by faith."


She touched Him with faith and virtue (power) went out of Him and healed her. Now she was scared stiff because Jesus kept looking around saying, "Who touched me?" Then the other disciples said, "Alright, come on. Who touched Him, who did it?" If she had known the right doctrine, she would have prayed for the rapture because there was no way out. What can you do? So she thought, "Oh no, I never asked, I never prayed, I never said, "If it be your will", "If you feel led", nothing, I just got it." She didn't have all the intelligence we have now a days, Ahem. You know, she just got it. And she got scared. She started to tremble, to shake. Not because of the power of God, no the Bible says "fear." And there was no way out


She was scared and there was no way out so she certainly made the right move and went to Jesus, knelt down and told Him the whole truth. She told Him the whole truth and she was sitting there waiting for doom and damnation probably. That's what she feared. And she told Him the whole truth and she was shaking. Then Jesus said something. He said, "Daughter..." and she looked up and she felt, "That sounds alright." She looked into the shining face of Jesus. At last there was somebody, Jesus saw at any rate one in the crowd, who knew and reached out and had it.


He said, "Daughter." He didn't even say He made her whole. Of course He did. He did, but He didn't want to focus on that. He didn't want to say that He healed her. He wanted the people to hear how she got it. He said, "Daughter, your faith has made you whole. Go in peace." Do you know why He stopped her? He was going to give her more; He was going to give her the peace of God. WOW! "Go with the peace of God in your soul."


You know I know some people have been marvelously healed and I could tell you long stories about amazing, amazing miracles, but I know some of them who are not following Jesus Christ. You say, "How in the world..." Yeah it happens. It happens. "Oh, they'll lose their healing!" No, God is a lot better than Christians. Take that home, think about it. We have to improve. Let me tell you my friend, God is so good. He heals the sick, that's what Jesus did. Whether they followed Him or not but He just healed the sick.


God shines with His light on people, whether they want Him or not, whether they are nice or not so nice, whether they are good or evil He just shines on them and says, "I love you, I LOVE YOU! Whether you want me or not, but I love you." That's my God, that's what He's like. You know Jesus, Jesus said, "Your faith has made you whole; go with the peace of God.""